Saturday June 4, 2006
New York that day at 11:30 waiting for Buzzair to arrive.

We headed off to McSorley's - the oldest bar in New York City. Very simple bar, two types of beer available, ale and porter along with our snack - crackers and cheese and onions (I am copying the way they said it in the menu in case you are thinking I am making some kind of grammar error saying and twice).

We decided to check out the bar on the corner of Amsterdam and 109th stree. Was a good bar, good beer for USD$4 a pint, they also offered cans of Pabst for USD$1.50.

After the bar, we headed to my place so Buzzair could meet Connie and had our bottles of Aggorant Bastard.

Evidence Aggorant Bastard was not for the faint heart. But it is important to note that I made sure Buzzair got home safe.
Thanks for making sure he got on the train safely. You boys look like you had fun :)
I should try some of that Arrogant Bastard, probably could only handle half of it. :)
Ya'all see the pizza in the picture?
It can be found in-between some parked cars in two different locations. Unless it's been washed away by the rain. :)
Had a great time in NYC. That arrogant bastard was some strong sh**. It was the final nail in my coffin though, since it was 7.2% alcohol and our 12th beer. (no kidding)
Sure must be nearly lights-out for ya ur skin didn't turn blueish! :) Gotta taste Arrogrant Bastard (aftall i was blue before, no joking, its my hair, hehe) Good pixs!
funnn:) now it's our turn:)
Buzzair - be sure to post the pictures you have from our day in New York.
I checked the puke spots, could not find any so apparently some possibilites are... 1) the rain washed the pavement; 2) some doggie or animal came by and licked the pavement clean; and/or 3) a hungry homeless Yorker came by and licked the pavemnt clean.
I believe possibility No. 3 is the best possibility. :)
Seems like a lot of you look forward tasting Arrogant Bastard...
This gives me an idea, I should host some kind of Arrogant Bastard themed party someday.
lol, maybe the strutter came by and ate it up.
I'll get my pics up soon, I've been really lazy all day today nursing my hangover.
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