Will the year 2007
    be a great year?


Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I'm back once again - had a busy, but fun weekend before starting the eleventh and very last week of the fall quarter.

eleventh week + last week = FINAL EXAMS!!!!

This formula must be the most dreaded one of all college students (nerds are excluded).

Took my first final exam this morning for Management Science - do not think I did very good on it! I was hoping I would confidently get 80% or higher to maintain a B grade for this course, now I'm left in the air hoping I make it with a B grade.

I have another exam at 1445 today for Corporate Finance - I also hope to get a B grade for this course, but the effort for the exam must be greater than the effort I put in for Management Science.

Tonight will be celebrating 238's birthday - am grateful I have no final exams tomorrow, I hope the same goes with all his friends too! He chose a bad time to be born (during the final exam weeks!!!) .

Speical Note: Thank god for wireless laptops in the library I can make my shitting enjoyable by logging a post on my blog - the library has found the ultimate solution for preventing restroom graffiti by providing laptops to keep shitters busy!



Laural said...

Thank you for telling us that insightful information. (shitting part)

See you tonight - btw jeff knows about it.

oneninefive said...

You are welcome (for your thanks on the shitting note).